Sunday, December 14, 2008

Its all good.

So at the begining of this week, it wasn't so good. But after thursday afternoon, it started getting better. Then the weekend came, and I thought it would not be good, but it was great! Julie and I got our christmas shopping done, I saved about 200 dollars, and we got our tree which I am decorating with lights about now. I talked to my friend about why my week wasn't going good, and she told me to pray. It seems I always forget that part. Today we had the missionaries over for dinner, and they shared a scripture with us, and it was talking about how satian is always trying to give us bad days, but the Lord know's we can get through them, if we pray and read our scriptures. I thought how perfect of a timing that was.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bad day

I'm sure everyone has had a bad day. Today, was my bad day, a really bad one at that. A lot of things went wrong today. I went on a run to cool off from it all, came back and well that didn't really happen. Decided I should attempt my homework. I finally just got it done. I just wish none of you have a day like I did today.

Have a great week.

Monday, December 1, 2008


So this long weekend has been a lazy weekend, well except saturday and sunday. But other than that, pretty lazy. So today, I decided to get up, walk the dog, clean my mom, do my chores, and do my landry. Ha I didn't start doing any of that til about 3:30 pm. Luckliy my room wasn't that messy. Now I am all done and feel accomplished, its a good feeling. I guess I should go decide what to make for dinner.. hmmm... any ideas??

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have been craving chocolate ever sense I got home from a friends. Mom has some but is sleeping. I could resort to chocolate chips, but she doesn't like when we eat those. So I'm stuck until she wakes up, or until I can't take it any longer. We will see which comes first.

Finals went great, I think I did really good on all of time. Ha expect in math we got to use notes, and I left mine at home and started freaking out and my friend starting going through my binder and found another set of notes and started adding stuff to it, thank goodness!!!:). Anyways, I am now ready for a new trimester, and my stress is slowly going down.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


These are some quotes/sayings that I like and thought I would share with you. Let me know what you think!!
My day went from good, to not so good..

Sunday, November 23, 2008


So I am now bored and thought I would just blog about random things. Well to start off I could tell you more about myself.

I am MORMON and proud of it. My favorite colors are, Pink, Blue, then green. I love to read. I am a good listener and love helping everyone. I love to cook. I love to do service for others. I can barely stand needles, as long as I don't see them I'm good. I get queazy when I see tons of blood, or things like that, if its a little cut or something, I am good to go, and will still give blood as long as I don't look at it. I love to have fun, and love hanging out with friends that I know I will have a good time with. I do not drink or do drugs( Duh MORMON). I find it helpful to talk things out with people, no matter how small or dumb it is, and only with people I trust. Well, thats about all I'm saying, if you want to know more you can ask, I don't bite promise!!!:)

Anyways, I should be studing for finals but really don't want to, plus I have a headache. Hm...

Well thats it for tonight.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Birthday Part 2

Here are some pictures from yesturday. It was fun. Thanks Julie and Quinlan for the chocolate, it was soooo good!!! Thats the cake we got, and Julie trying to cut it. Anyways thats pretty much it.


Finals next week..:(

Thanksgiving after finals!!:)

Okay now I'm done.:)